What’s the difference between Defender® plastic and steel bird spikes?

Ever wondered what the difference is between plastic and steel Defender® Bird Spikes? We know what you are thinking, they look the same but which one is actually the best?

As you know, Defender® Bird Spikes come in all shapes and sizes depending on where they are going to be installed and what bird they are designed to deter. There are short plastic spikes like the Defender® Thistle and super long wires on the Defender® Lamp Spike and wrap around strips like the Defender® Chimney Pot Spike and clip-on strips like the Defender® Gutter Spike. Now, in this case, it wouldn’t be fair to compare all of these different types so for the purposes of this comparison and to make it fair, we are pitting the Defender® Wide Plastic Pigeon Spikes up against the Defender® Wide Stainless Steel Bird Spike.

The shape of the Defender® Wide Plastic Spike and the Defender® Wide Steel Bird Spike are the same, does this mean they work in the same way?

Yes! Let us just point out that both the wide steel and plastic versions work in exactly the same way. They both humanely prevent pigeons from landing on ledges up to 15 cm in depth. The 112 mm pins, whether plastic or steel, overhang the leading edge and stop birds from landing without hurting them.

I want a less visible bird spike installation, should I use plastic or steel bird spike?

Interesting question! This is down to personal preference; however many customers feel that when the narrower steel pins are installed against a dark wall or the sky, they are less visible. The plastic pins however are barely visible when installed against white backgrounds, like white window frames as they seem to absorb the lighter colours. Bear in mind, that all bird spikes tend to be installed at height and we don’t often look up!

I would like a long-lasting bird spike, which lasts longer, plastic or steel bird spikes?

Bird Spikes are often installed in tricky-to-reach areas, so you don’t want to have to regularly replace them. Both Defender® Bird Spikes ranges, whether steel or plastic last for a very long time if installed correctly on a clean dry ledge, using Defender® Fixing Silicone.

Are the guarantees different for the Defender® Steel and Plastic Bird Spike ranges?

Defender® Bird Spikes do offer different warranties on the different spikes. The Defender® Wide Plastic Spike range comes with a 15-year warranty. They are made from a high-performance polycarbonate plastic which is UV stabilised, resistant to extremes of temperature and does not go brittle or yellow in the sun. In fact, it perfectly resists anything the British weather can throw at it and will not degrade.

All Defender® bird spikes have plastic bases even the steel spikes. The Defender® Wide Steel uses 304 Grade Stainless Steel as standard for its pins. This commercial-grade steel comes with a 25-year warranty as we guarantee it will not rust and cause unsightly marks down your property.

Which is the most cost-effective bird spike, the plastic or the steel spikes?

The plastic bird spike costs slightly less than the steel version. This is because it goes through a much quicker manufacturing process. The strips of plastic bird spikes are moulded in one piece and are boxed up straight off the injection moulding machine. If you want to find out more about how we make them, take a look at our blog on How are Defender® Bird Spikes made?

The steel bird spikes cost a little more as the manufacturing process is two-fold. The bases are made by our injection moulding machines after which the wires are inserted. They are not inserted by machine, but each individual wire is hand-inserted by one of our lovely Defender® Assembly Team ladies.

In summary, both the Defender® Wide Stainless Steel and Plastic Bird Spike work in the same effective way to move birds on humanely. If cost is the deciding factor, than Defender® Plastic is for you however the Defender® Steel has the longer warranty. Architects and trades persons prefer the stainless steel for its slimmer darker wires, but the plastic bird spike absorbs lighter colours and is better on domestic white window ledges. Ultimately, the choice is yours!

If you can't decide which one is for you or have any further questions on the Defender® Bird Spike range, whether about plastic or steel, give us a ring on 01626 835055 or email sales@jonesandson.co.uk We look forward to chatting with you!

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