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Why do pigeons and seagulls choose your property?

If you look up in any city or town, you will most likely see flocks of pigeons or seagulls congregating on the highest parts of office buildings, shops and homes.

There are two main reasons why a pigeon or seagull has chosen to move onto your property without permission. Initially these birds will have identified that some of the highest points on your property are very close to, or directly overlooking, their regular food source. Subsequently, they may have gone on to establish that flatter ledges, often lower down on the buildings, are conveniently sheltered from the elements and provide perfect overnight roosting or nesting sites.

Either way, as humans we are sometimes not comfortable living in such proximity to seagulls and pigeons. Many people claim they are noisy, dirty and destructive neighbours. To rid yourself of these unwanted guests, it is imperative to fully understand why these pesky birds have chosen your property above all others in the neighbourhood.

Info Pigeons eating pizza from a split bing bag on the floor

Overlooking their food source

During daylight hours, the pigeons’ prime objective is to feed themselves. Modern urban birds have become very efficient in their search for food and will settle for any easy source that has a regular pattern to it. For example, a pensioner emptying a bag of bread crumbs in the town square at the same spot and time every day, or fast food chains putting their rubbish out at a regular time.

Pigeon and seagull flocks will find high-up vantage points to view the surrounding areas and places where they can exploit the human tendency to purposefully feed them or leave food waste behind. These will tend to be the ridges of roofs, guttering, a shop sign, chimney pot, or other high-up area on a property from where they can swoop down and take advantage of a free meal. It is probable that your property is providing an observation point. By protecting these high-up vantage areas on your property with bird anti-roosting systems, the birds will often abandon the property.

A great place to live

It is relatively easy to move pigeons and seagulls from these high-up daytime perching sites by installing anti-roosting systems. Defender® Bird, Pigeon and Seagull Spike products provide a humane and long-term solution to these issues and can be viewed here - All Products

When the light starts to fade, these often-exposed areas are rarely suitable for the birds to get some shut-eye. As night falls, the birds, particularly pigeons, will look for ledges that offer shelter. These are often lower down on your building or nearby property. The pigeons’ overnight roosting spot is likely to be flat and partially or fully sheltered from the wind and rain. The best of these ledges will become potential nesting sites.

The male pigeon will choose the nest site for the female by presenting her with a stick, which she will use as the base for her nest. He will choose an area sheltered from the wind and rain, creating the perfect home to bring up a young family. Pigeons are gregarious. They love the social side of living in flocks, and many pigeons will room together for life. This is one reason why overnight roosting areas can be trickier to proof and protect.

Top Tip: Prevent pigeons and seagulls from landing on the ridge and they will often abandon the property altogether.

Seagulls fighting for scraps of bread

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